Hot Mess

Lead by Ramesh Wilson, this project aims to disentangle the individual and combined effects of global warming and nutrient pollution on rocky shore intertidal communities. Taking inspiration from this paper, we are installing passively-warmed settlement plates in areas with and without nutrient pollution across the globe. This will allow us to explore biogeographic context-dependencies on community composition when exposed to these stressors. HotMess is currently running a successful trial in the UK, with the next set of 9 sites across the Southern Hemisphere to be installed in April-May 2023. Further pads shall be installed globally throughout the year, and shall total at least 25 sites, with representation on all 7 continents. This will ultimately form the first coordinated, global study on multiple stressor intertidal ecology. We are actively looking for more collaborators to repeat out experiment. Please get in touch if you are interested

Global Study on Intertidal Stressors

Staff and Students Involved:

Ramesh Wilson

PhD Student

Dr Michelle C Jackson


Katie Driver

PhD Student


Please find our labs publications on our Oxford Biology website or Google Scholar. If you don’t have access to any of the journals, please email us and we will happily share a pdf of the paper.